
"As a single woman who wants to travel, I had been looking for ways to get out there and do more things on my own. I took a backpacking trip with Jackie to the Smoky Mountains, and it was epic, to say the least! I met wonderful people, had amazing experiences, and there was so much laughter! I can’t wait to take another trip with The Girls Trip Adventure Company again soon! Take a chance and step out of your comfort zone, you will not regret it! Thank you for such a wonderful experience!"

-Laura C.

"Jackie lead this trip with a sense of caring, inclusiveness and a love for the outdoors that filters down to the group. The highly reflective time as a group were so valuable and brought the group so close. On the trail, Jackie’s wisdom really shines. She’s able to motivate and get the most out of her groups. What a great adventure!

-Amanda B.

"I was single and I was in that weird post-college “how do I make new friends as an adult and why can’t any of my current friends hang out without trying to set me up with their S/O’s friends constantly” phase when Jackie welcomed me and my sarcasm with open arms & a cold beer. To be able to hang out with a bunch of women who could have fun without their partners there at every waking moment was *chefs kiss* refreshing. That being said, I also enjoyed every Co-Ed trip we had because my new friends chose hilarious partners.

I would say it is an incredible accomplishment for anyone to corral a group of women, but to organize hikes, camping trips, vineyard tours, Brewery outings, cross-country treks, white water rafting down class 5 rapids(you heard right), canoe trips, etc. AND get those said women to, from, and through the location safely (especially after a few too many cocktails) and doing so with a smile is a feat almost unattainable in the human race. But Jackie did it with ease and she knew what drove us - laughs & summit beers.

Being an international flight attendant, I have been fortunate enough to travel the world. Nothing prepared me for the beauty of the Havasupai Reservation. Jackie somehow (I believe she has magic) acquired 7 passes to allow us to hike through the Grand Canyon down to 5 the featured waterfalls: Havasu Falls, Mooney Falls, Lil’ Navaho Falls, Beaver Falls, and Fifty Foot Falls. The trip required organizing flights from Atlanta to Las Vegas, renting a car to drive 4 hours to the Reservation, hiking 40+ miles over the course of one weekend, and answering 8,536 questions I had about what I needed to pack in my backpack. Mind you, this was prior to her hiking the AT (she’s just that good). Jackie is a natural born leader, an exceptionally funny human, with an incredibly kind heart. If you choose anyone to lead you on an adventure, choose Jackie."

-Paige S.

"Just got back from a trip with Jackie to Alaska! I cannot speak highly enough about this week spent with her and 15 other strangers. She is passionate about the outdoors and empowering women - if you are experienced or inexperienced in the outdoors you need to book an adventure with Jackie! 10/10 can’t wait for my next adventure with her!"
-Lyndsey C.
"Your confidence, energy and love for the outdoors is infectious. I always looked to you in difficult situations and when I had mental blocks on the trail to guide me through. I’m so glad I did this with you and had a true leader to guide me through this new adventure. The first day of the trip was super hard for me. Every insecurity and mental block I had came out on that first climb of the trail. I was a perfectionist with little confidence in my strength as an athlete and doing something new. With taking little breaks, encouragement from the other girls and that final feet of completion at the end of the day something switched. I found the rest of the trip so freeing, finally allowing myself to be proud of who I am. I was able to be positive and uplifting even facing crazy adversities I was not expecting. By the end of the trip I found new confidence, even in ways that I wasn’t expecting. For example I was not self conscious about my body, or how I looked in my swim suit or how I was talking or if I was coming off too loud and strong. Between the trip itinerary, the girls and the break from my normal schedule I have left the trip with higher self esteem, confidence and love for myself. If you are hesitant about doing this for any reason, DO IT!! I’ve never been pushed so hard outside my comfort zone and now I’m not gonna stop pushing."
-Abs G.
"Jackie took me on my first ever overnight backpacking trip. I was super nervous about the trip, but she made sure we were all prepared with the appropriate gear and supplies. She had the trip well planned including where we would be setting up camp and where we would stop for lunch the next day. She made sure to check up on everyone to make sure we were okay during the long miles. I enjoyed my time on this trip and the many other hikes she has led, and would absolutely choose to go on another hike/overnight trip with Jackie again!”

-Hayden E. 

“I’ve been on several trips with Jackie! While we’ve definitely seen some badass views, my favorite part of all of them was the time spent together! Jackie is a natural leader and genuinely interested in getting to know people. She has a way of making you feel comfortable and included. After every trip, I have felt refreshed and uplifted!"
-Kasey V.
"Jackie is an amazing guide and active outdoor enthusiast who loves to share her knowledge and passion for the beautiful outdoors with others!

Jackie is so in tune with her surroundings as well as those in company. She is always aware of the path ahead of her and ensures that everyone has the proper resources to have a fun, memorable, and safe adventure!

My greatest memories of hiking and backpacking are trips I have taken with Jackie! She is an amazing guide- the type of person who always has that one thing you might have forgotten at home! I have seen her give up her own warm meal at night to share with others.. I mean, come on! Take a trip with Jackie... you won't regret it."

-Emily C.

"Want to go on an adventure with a girl who will make you feel comfortable, confident, and ready to conquer your fears? Jackie's your woman! Before meeting Jackie, my hiking experiences were limited to easy day hikes with a couple of friends. Now, I can say that I've successfully had my first camping, whitewater rafting, and well-deserved summit bar experience! She makes you feel instantly at ease and checks in to make sure you're comfortable and happy while you're with her. Honestly, I wish I lived closer to her because I miss our adventures so much. You won't regret a trip with Jackie!"
-Sydney W.